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The Law of Attraction in its true form

At some point in our spiritual journeys, we encounter the Law of Attraction, which suggests that positive thoughts bring positive experiences, while negative thoughts attract unfavorable outcomes. Which, when taken on surface level, leads most people to undergo bypassing by focusing solely on the positive and discarding anything perceived as negative.

"JUST THINK POSITIVE! No nega vibes allowed."

But this approach is futile. Where do you think all that negativity goes? It gets buried deep within our psyches, stored away until it resurfaces—often stronger than before—when we're forced to confront it.

It’s like shoving all your clutter into a closet to make your living room look spotless. At some point, that closet will overflow, and all the hidden mess will spill out when you least expect it. Dealing with the clutter directly is the only way to really tidy up.

The more you run from negativity, the more that it gains power over you. When you push those feelings away, they don’t disappear. They only grow stronger in the background, eventually showing up as anxiety, stress, debilitating insecurities, toxic patterns, and even physical issues.

Avoiding negativity keeps you stuck in the same emotional loop. Real healing begins when you stop running, face those difficult feelings, and process them. And only then can the Law of Attraction work in its true form, drawing in genuine positivity that’s not forced or superficial, but rooted in a place of wholeness and inner peace. Only then does it become sustainable.

We attract what we are, not just what we think. Our internal state is a powerful magnet. And when we do the inner work, we create a foundation of authentic positivity. This is the kind of energy that resonates with the Universe and draws in the experiences that align with what our soul is actually here for, not just the ones that our human selves consciously wish for. Real attraction happens when our whole being—mind, body, heart, and spirit—are in harmony.

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No matter how perfect a facade we present to the world, deep within us lies a tender place in need of healing. It is in embracing our wounds that we find true strength. ♡

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